Kinder Fairbrook Copse v2
Fairbrook chart v3

Joe and his colleagues at Moors for the Future Partnership have placed the detector at two more locations and the results are in. On the Kinder plateau there were no bat passes over a five day period; not a great surprise for bleak, treeless moorland at 2000 feet but we do have one record of a grounded whiskered bat here 13 years ago so it will be interesting to see whether further monitoring sessions over the summer pick up any bats at this altitude.

In the Fairbrook valley immediately north of Kinder we detected four species of bat over 10 days – common pipistrelle, brown long-eared bat, noctule and one or more of the Myotis bats. This in a tetrad which has no previous records at all, so the project is already paying dividends in terms of extending our knowledge of distribution in the county.

Click here to see the original post about this joint venture with Moors for the Future

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